How To Convert Flannel Pants Into an Oversized Scarf in 30 Min: Easy And Simple DIY
Remember my recent post about oversized scarves? Inspiring styles, stand-out outfits. You liked them, and I liked them too, and I also saw in them a great DIY to do. In the past I have tried already to make a scarf out of used men’s shirts, but the results were, let’s be honest, mediocre. The shirt fabric was too stiff, and the scarf did not drape nicely. An ideal fabric would be a flannel, thin and soft, so this time I decided to use it. I went through second hand stores in a hunt for flannel man shirts. There were plenty of them in different plaids and colors; however, the prices were quite outrageous. Each shirt cost $15-$20. Since I wanted an oversized scarf, I needed at least 3 or better 4 shirts. Thus, given the prices, the scarf would end up costing me up to $80! Too expensive. I had to find an alternative. I kept looking, and soon I found one in a place I would never usually look at: on an underwear rack. It was a nice pair of… underwear? No 🙂 It was a pair of flannel pants. I grabbed them (mmm, the flannel was so soft), wrapped the legs around my neck and went to look at myself in the mirror. The pants hanging from my shoulders looked awesome. Also, they cost only $10. Bingo! That’s how this DIY was born.
What You Need For This Short DIY
- flannel pants, the bigger size the merrier!
- thread in matching color
- scissors
- a needle or a sewing machine (not pictured)
DIY Steps
Cut the pants along the seams. Cut off the waist band and hems.
Now you have two flat pieces. As you see, two shorter sides that used to be the top and bottoms of the pants have different lengths: one is shorter, and another is longer. The shorter sides will be the ends of the scarf, and the longer sides will be sewn together and will become the middle of the scarf.
Now chop off the corners to make the sides more even.
Fringe the edges. This is the longest step of the DIY!
The fringe fixes the edges, so we do not need any additional edge processing.
Put two longer sides (the former tops of the pants) on top of each other to make a flat seam.
Sew them together. I used my sewing machine, but you can totally do it by hand (I know you can 😉 )
One more thing. If you are using a sewing machine I would recommend to setup a big zigzag stroke. It will fix the seam edges better and prevent them from “flip-flopping” around.
More Pictures of DIY Oversized Flannel Scarf
Here comes my new oversized scarf! I like it so much that once I finished it I literally never put it back on the shelve. I wear it all the time: on top of a coat, under a coat, at work, at home… Love it! Soon I will show you how I style it this winter. Stay tuned!
Disclaimer: Yup, this post may contain affiliate links! If you buy something from me, I get some margarita money (not enough to buy a pair of shoes). Read more here.
Very nice article. Recycling is a very powerful aspect of environmental sustainability. The truth is we all require to get into the habit of using less stuff in the first place. And the things we do use ought to be reused as much as possible before being recycled, to minimize trash. We are a charitable organization and the recycling community helps you donate or up-cycle waste items in an ethical, responsive or affordable way.
Wow… seriously it’s a great idea to reuse old clothes… Usually, I prefer to donate old clothes to needy people.. SwagCycle is the best charitable organizations to donate our old swag. But surely next time I will try to reuse my old clothes just like this. You can also donate your old swag/clothes with the help of SwagCycle organizations.
Love it!
Thanks for stopping by! Glad you liked it 🙂
Wonderful idea. Love efficiency.
Diana, glad you liked it 🙂 it is indeed efficient
These turned out so awesome! 😉
Very great idea! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Jessica, thanks for stopping by 🙂 I am glad you liked it. I love doing DIYs like this one, so easy!
I completely understand that!. 😉 And you’re very welcome!