
Vintage & DIY

Generation Y: Vintage & DIY

My favorite outfit of the year: Vintage Indian blouse and tie-dye bleached jeans. Mixing vintage and DIY items has become a signature fashion trend of Generation Y! Looking to construct a similar look? Let’s see. Vintage Indian blouse is from my online store, and you can find it here. The bleached jeans is my DIY project, and here is the post about […]

Itajime Shibori Reversed Tie Dye Bleached Studded Denim Jacket DIY

Bleached Studded Denim Jacket DIY: Make the Most Out of Your Favorite Jacket

The spring has arrived, and it means that my bleaching season has started! For the first project of the season I have chosen a tie dye bleaching technique presented in the Free People blog last summer. The technique is based on an old Japanese dyeing method called “itajime shibori.” Shibori is a Japanese term for methods of dyeing cloth by […]

Itajime Shibori Reversed Tie Dye Bleaching DIY by Free People

Reversed Tie Dye Bleaching

The Canadian spring has started at last, and it got enough warm outside to get fun with bleach! This week-end my balcony was turned into a DIY station with bleach bottles, buckets with water, and garments hanging all over the balcony rails:) For my first project of the season I decided to go with the DIY from this Free […]

DIY: Tie-Dye Bleached Jeans

Lost Spring Outfit

This year our spring got lost somewhere! The spring season will officially start in a couple of days; however, tomorrow we are expecting to get another five inches of snow while the “real feel” temperature is -12C! Crazy! To coop with cold and to satisfy my craving for spring, I have been wearing warm winter […]