Bracelets Made Of Necklaces, Part II
As you all know, I have a post about how to convert old bead necklaces to cool new bracelets. Recently I have used these instructions to convert a bunch of old necklaces to more new cool bracelets! This time I made four different sets which I show to you today 🙂
This is a set of black and grey plastic bracelets. These used to be long, very long necklaces. The transparent beads have two different shapes: round and cut, and this makes the bracelets even more interesting 🙂
My favorite black-n-white piece with a dog charm.
I found the charm at a second hand store, and the beads are agate pieces that used to be a part of my mom’s necklace.
Apple green and white bracelets have such a fresh look!
The green beads are agates from my mom’s necklace, and the white beads used to be a necklace I bought in Russia. I do not know what gemstone they are. It may be howlite, since the beads some green insertions.
These bracelets got all the left-overs from other bracelets 🙂
The brown beads are probably agate. The white beads are the same ones I used in the green apple bracelet, and the small semi-transparent ones also used to be a part of my mom’s agate necklace (yes, that necklace was super long!)
I still have many beads left from the black and transparent grey necklaces. Not sure that to do with them… Maybe, I should create a bracelet DIY kit to give away? What do you think?
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I’ve been cleaning and rearranging at my Mom’s for about a year now. I have found small boxes full of jewelry (hers and my grandmothers). I have wanted to make bracelets from the necklaces and found your blog while researching. This is exactly what I want to do! Some of the jewelry dates back to the 30’s. Any suggestions for the earrings from some of the sets? Any way to update some of the brooches? Thanks so much,
Sally Roche
Hi Sally,
Wow, lucky you getting to rare treasures!
Earring and brooches are a bit hard to work with, since they have some metal parts (like pins or fasteners) that should be removed before up-cycling.
You can turn them into pendants, but it may involve some soldering (for ex. to attach a ring to turn it into a pendant). It all depends on the shape and design of each item.
If the earrings are small and have holes where the hooks are attached, they can be used as bracelet charms (the next project on my list for up-cycling 😉
thank you so much for your kind words 🙂 I am so glad my post was useful for you.
Good luck with your project! Up-cycling brings so much fun 🙂